Friday, August 3, 2007


What's trading?
For more people may suggest that's similar than gambling, but... that's not true; For us is an art, where using several mathematicals alghoritms we are able to obtain the best point of probability where the price of the stock can go up or down to obtain a sustancial profit.
At the begining of trading , when i was reading a book of trading, i read a simil, that kept in my mind and explain very well how does it work:
"Invest is like a train where people are enjoying, with great music and a big party;More people begin to lift on it because they want to enjoy of the party too. Later it goes faster and people begin to get nervous, several leaves the train, waiting till it get calm again, most people keep them on it, while times go on , the train becomes more irregular , making stronger movements, till all people get off, and the train returns to get calm and the first people who were on it get in again to follow the trip."

In this blog we'll try to obtain those points where the stock can fluctuate to obtain the best point to get in and enjoy the party and the best point to get out before the storm arrives.

Always, will be documented with charts and fundamental analysis, and between all of us (readers and us) we can discuss the positions and the stocks, we would like to do it glad for everybody, but always need to get in mind that invest has a potencial of danger that everyone must know and we must protect about all troubles we find on the trip, becasue all invests aren't 100% fiable.

The risk on investing is determinated for each investor putting the stops closer or not to leave the short or long position.

We haven't the real true , then everyone must to determinate if is able or not to do the invest, each one is own of their decisitions, we only would like to show another point of view of the markets.

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